reducing food waste
The community Fridge
Dereham Community Fridge is located in the back of Green Pastures Bookshop in "The Community Hub".
20 Norwich Street, Dereham.
It's run by Love Dereham with support from partnership agencies and Breckland District Council.
It was designed for you - yes you! Our two primary aims are to reduce food waste (yay for the planet!) and to give away perfectly good food to those needing their money to stretch a bit further (yay for tummies!)
The fridge gives businesses and food outlets the opportunity to donate good quality food items that are past their ‘best before’ date which would otherwise be thrown away. Sadly we can't accept or give out food that is past its "use by" date.
Our army of volunteers are on a mission to collect food from all over Dereham (and maybe further!) and bring it back to the Fridge so that you can enjoy it :)
There are times when the fridge is full and there are times when it is empty. Just come along and see if there is something you can use. We're open Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm. You can wait in the warm with a cuppa from 9.30am (as there can be a queue forming before opening time). We do suggest arriving early as often 80% of what we get has been taken by 11am.
Any food that doesn't get taken before it is no good is donated to chicken feed and compost. No Waste!
If you would like to be involved in running the fridge
or, donating your surplus food to the fridge
or, supporting us financially
please see below for contact details. Thank you.
**Please - do not buy food for the fridge**

Please note: we are always closed on BANK HOLIDAYS
The Community Hub
(rear of Green Pastures Bookshop)
20 Norwich Street
NR19 1BX
Opening Hours
Mon + Wed 10am - 12pm
Tues, Thurs + Fri 10am - 1pm
Every 2nd Tues CLOSED
Saturday CLOSED
Bank Holidays CLOSED
Doors open at 9.30am for Let's Chat
Some of our donors: